
什麼是 cloudflare?

Cloudflare 是互聯網上運行的最大網路之一。 今天,企業、非營利組織、博客作者和任何有互聯網存在的人都因為 Cloudflare 而擁有更快、更安全的網站和應用。 Millions of Internet properties are on Cloudflare, and our network is growing by tens of thousands each day.

什麼是 cloudflare 管道合作夥伴?

__Cloudflare 管道合作夥伴__包括提供 Cloudflare 產品銷售、諮詢和服務以及實施的代管服務提供者、加值型轉售商和系統集成商。 __技術合作夥伴__與 Cloudflare 合作提供創新的集成,為我們的共同客戶、合作夥伴和 Cloudflare 創造價值。

what is cloudflare?

Cloudflare provides services to neo-Nazi sites like The Daily Stormer, including giving them personal information on people who complain about their content. The widespread use of Cloudflare’s services by racist groups is not an accident. Cloudflare has said it will not deny its services to even the most offensive purveyors of hate.

